Outplacement / Career Transition Services
As the UK’s only specialist FMCG outplacement / career transition management business, we work on both a group & an individual basis with employees affected by redundancy, factory or departmental closure or head-count reductions.
In the current tough, economic environment, many businesses are needing to consider down-sizing their workforce, & in the last 3 years, 2.7 million people in the UK have been made redundant (source - CIPD Work Audit Research). Down-sizing may be caused by competitive pressure, relocation or acquisition/ merger; outplacement is a great business tool to support groups of people/ entire work-forces affected by redundancy, and can also be used to support senior level people exiting on a compromise agreement/ redundancy.
Our specialist process is delivered via a combination of 1-1 and group sessions and is categorised into the five key areas of:
- CV Preparation/Enhancement
- Job Searching techniques
- Interview Skills
- Direct Mail / Fortnightly Job Search
- Surgery Days
Tangible Benefits:
- It enables the affected employee to recognise the situation is real and allows them to move quickly through the denial stage
- A high level of employee satisfaction with outplacement (>95%) translates into higher job search motivation
- A level of 1-1 employee support works more effectively - less embarrassment, greater buy-in, no “hiding” etc.
- Good outplacement can make the redundancy process more positive for both company and employee
- The employees staying after the change can see ex-colleagues are all looked after, so they focus o the business rather than looking over their shoulders.
Rationale – Employer:
- Maintains internal & external perceptions of a caring, compassionate business
- Reassures those who are staying “Survivor Syndrome”
- Reduces the threat of time consuming & costly tribunals
- Allows HR team to focus on managing the redundancy process & maintaining strategic support
- Assists in maintaining productivity & reducing absence during consultation process
- Dispassionate 3rd party who can reinforce business rationale - “this is not a unique situation”
- Positive PR & ER during a potentially difficult time
Rationale – Employee:
- Expert & focused preparation for the external world
- Dispassionate 3rd party allows disappointment/ anger to be vented in a “safe” environment
- Professionally produced CV coupled with full interview training
- Fortnightly live job searches emailed to everyone affected
- Extensive contact with local employers to identify potential job vacancies
- On-going support & job searches pre- & post-exit
Empty Box Credentials:
- Projects ranging from full factory closures, departmental head-count reductions, middle management and board-level individuals successfully completed
- Clients include the UK’s second largest fresh foods company, one of the UK’s top 4 grocery retailers & a €6 billion European food manufacturer
- All projects are delivered by our 2 Directors from inception to completion
- Our Directors have substantial experience working for large FMCG businesses at senior level, coupled with 15 years of outplacement experience
- Hands-on, fully committed, dedicated & reliable
- Based on-site to facilitate ease of access and to ensure on-going operational goals are not compromised
For a fully confidential conversation, please call Empty Box Ltd on 01484 309862, or alternatively Michael Robertson (07749 327 725) or Peter Green (07841 758 596).